• Creating Opportunities for Arab-American and Underserved Minority Students

    To learn more about our programs and services, follow the links below. To get involved with ABPA, click the button below.

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    Meet The Founder,

    Mr. Fuad M. Sahouri

    “The objective of the internship program is to arise the conscience of our incoming generation to the value of civil service. We are here to help minority students launch their career through internship placements, where students are able to bridge their academic knowledge with practical job skills in their field of choice, and test drive their career"

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    Student Services

    Learn more about our programs

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    Bureau of Land Management Internship Placement

    During the summer, ABPA Institute partners with Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to support the Direct Hire Authority for Resource Assistants Internship (DHA-RAI) Program. The BLM DHA-RAI Program offers rigorous geoscience opportunities in national offices.

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    Support ABPA Institute’s mission of connecting both Arab-American and all underserved minority students with employers in the public and private sector to test drive their careers through valuable internship experience, contribute to their career readiness and increasing

    minority representation in the workplace.

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