• Our Mission

    ABPA Institute is a conduit to create opportunities that allows minority students to test drive their careers. We connect both Arab-American and all underserved minority students with employers in the public and private sector. The employers ABPA partners with are committed to diversity and inclusion, and to offering meaningful internship opportunities to students.

  • ABPA Institute is committed to increasing representation in federal agencies, debunking stereotypes, and advocating for Arab-Americans across sectors.

    We support students that are Arab-American: which means they have origins in 22 nations ranging from the Middle East to North Africa. We do not distinguish them from Middle Eastern, which includes non-Arab countries like Turkey and Iran.
    While a common misconception is that all Arab Americans are Muslim, only 25% practice Islam while approximately 60-75% are Christian.
    A fair number of Arab-Americans are refugees from their country of origin – yet 40% of Arab-American’s have a four-year degree and 17% have a postgraduate degree.
    More than 70% of all Arab-Americans live in just 10 states: California, Michigan, New York, Florida, Texas, New Jersey, Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.
    Just under 4 million Arab-Americans live in the US, and approximately 12% of them are public servants.
    ABPA Institute is committed to increasing representation in federal agencies, debunking stereotypes, and advocating for Arab-Americans across sectors.
    Census – The Issue of (in)Visibility
    The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) stated in 1977 that “white” includes those with origins in “Europe, Middle East and North Africa”. This definition is still in effect today. This definition essentially makes Arab-American and those with Middle Eastern heritage invisible. There have been great efforts made by leading Arab-American organizations to mobilize efforts and include a MENA category in the census since 2015, but it has still not been added.
    However, in April 2022, the Head of USAID, Samantha Power, piloted an official government survey which includes the MENA designation with the hope of more to follow. “This agency-wide DEIA survey will allow the federal government to pilot the capture of expanded race and ethnic demographic data”
    Additionally, April 2022 was the first nationally recognized Arab-American Heritage month. Read Secretary of State, Anthony Bilkin’s statement here: https://www.state.gov/recognizing-national-arab-american-heritage-month/
    And we remain committed to the mission of the January 20th Executive Order on advancing racial equity and support for underserved communities through the federal government.
    Read More: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/01/20/executive-order-advancing-racial-equity-and-support-for-underserved-communities-through-the-federal-government/

    Our History


    Founded in 1985, the Arab-American Business and Professional Association (ABPA) is a non-profit organization, which prides itself on its ability to serve as a multi-way bridge between the U.S. and the Arab world – providing a platform to connect local and international investors with businesses, harnessing and steering the economic capacity of the Arab-American community locally, and enhancing the competencies of Arab-American professionals to be competitive in the local and global marketplace.As one of the “pacesetter” Arab-American organizations, ABPA has played a leading role in convening regular meetings of high profile individuals, organizations, and government institutions to share information, identifying and discussing professional development opportunities.
    Since 2018, ABPA Institute changed its' focus to students and internship placement, with a focus on civil service. ABPA Institute has established an impressive network of partners and students through programs including the Internship Placement Program and Student Ambassador Program. Through these initiatives, ABPA has continued to provide numerous opportunities to support Arab-American students and their professional development.
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  • DC TV Impact Moment

    ABPA Institute was awarded the DC TV capacity building grant and our Founder & President, Mr. Fuad M. Sahouri, was interviewed by them as part of their Impact Moment series which highlights nonprofits in the DC Metropolitan area. This dynamic series showcases the meaningful impact that nonprofits are making in DC and highlights the ways ABPA Institute improves peoples’ lives every day.